I hope I get to stroll through a park during a windy but welcoming autumn afternoon and watch the changing leaves scurry past my feet like school children late for class
I hope I get more days of reading on my sofa, wrapped up in my favourite blanket with a cup of tea cooling by my side
I hope I get to continue to turn the heating on “just to get the chill out of the air!” and warm my socks on top of our radiators
I hope I buy a good pair of boots that allow me to stomp and splash in cold puddles like a toddler and watch the water jump and dash onto my ankles
I hope I get to go on long drives down winding country roads where trees in the distance look like the broccoli on my plate last night, only different colours, the stunning colours of things coming to an end
I hope the tree outside of my window holds on to those golden leaves just a little longer so I can stare just a little longer
I hope for stormy, rainy nights where I am safe and dry inside and can watch mother nature aggressively sweep the streets of forgotten leaves and stubborn stains on the pavement, assist leaves that need a little extra push away from their comfort zones of twigs and branches
I hope the people caught in her path are nearly home
I hope to find warmth in cafes and stumble in with my umbrella dripping onto the wood-panelled floors, face covered in rainwater, waiting for a soft smile behind the counter to bring me something warm with oat milk in it
I hope to walk on crunchy leaves while holding a crunchy paper bag with a new book inside
I hope to see my scarf dance in tricky and unpredictable November breezes
I hope my paycheck can withstand the amount of candle purchases I am making and will continue to make this autumn
I hope candles never get tiresome (unlikely)
I hope I go on as many nature walks as I can before the cold gets too unbearable, feel the apricity on my cheeks, take as many pictures as I can of how the distant sun still makes trees glimmer like stars in the evening sky
I hope to relish in my home feeling even more cosy at this time of year as I dash in at night after meet-ups with friends in sparkling central London
I hope I appreciate the feeling of my toes slowly gaining back feeling and warmth when I get home, a sign I am alive
Even though the sky grows tired more quickly now, I hope I can catch the sunsets and let them take my breath away
I hope the animals can hibernate safely and on schedule
I hope autumn is beautiful
Hello lovely readers, thank you as always for reading today’s post, and I hope you enjoyed it. I am so grateful that autumn is the most beautiful season. I absolutely hate the darker days but I wouldn’t want it to happen at any other time of year. The colours of autumn are the perfect distraction away from the cold and darkness!
This year I’ve been trying really hard to romanticise the whole thing and so far it’s going really well! Now I’ve got a lovely list of hopefuls to further romanticise the whole thing, starting with that stroll in parks and nature. I’m so excited to see the leaves!
If you’re feeling a little apprehensive about the changing clocks, I hope this list can give you a little comfort too. Light some candles, stare at some trees, make lots of warm drinks and hot food <3
I’ll see you next Wednesday!
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I’ve been intentionally doing all these things. I refuse to let fall slip away
Love this! I always try to make the most of autumn. The mid-seasons slip away the quickest, autumn even more so than spring! My big autumn activities include mushroom hunting, baking apple pie, and making spiced cakes!