the quiet list #3
for my list lovers; midwinter thoughts, recommendations, books, articles and more
hello quiet readers. i mentioned in a previous post that i was looking forward to some of the posts i would be sharing with you in the new year and this is one of them. welcome (back) to the quiet list. just a series of lists of things i’ve been thinking about, reading and consuming in the hopes of giving you something to think about and enjoy too. i hope you like it <3
some things i’ve been thinking about
how talking to strangers isn’t as scary as i thought it would be
how sometimes i feel like there are two people inside of me, the one who wants to be included but also the one who wants to be left alone
how the other day, the moon looked like thick droplet of yellow paint that had fallen onto the surface of the sky. isolated and lopsided in its waxing gibbous shape
how i can’t seem to focus on any fiction right now and whether it’s the luteal phase or the midwinter phase
winter seems to go on forever, like looking out at the sea as the tide washes over your feet
how much joy my slow e-reader is bringing me
that january should be seen as a transitional month rather than the time when everything instantly changes. that spring should mark the moment we blossom as new people, slightly changed people, people with new petals and colours they want to show off
the strangers that i spoke to; i hope they are doing okay
that winter is the time to work quietly like moles underground, soon to poke our heads up from the ground and see the fruits of our labour stretch up to the skies (vegetables, flowers, fruits / hopes, ambitions, dreams coming true)
that the crystal that represents ambition placed on a sticky note with a list of goals i want to meet is probably trying its best but i have been in no mood to try lately
that my body also knows it is winter too and wishes it wasn’t
how reserved the sun is in january, abundant in light but selfish in its apricity. i can see my own eyelashes, but i cannot feel the warmth on my cheek
some things i’ve enjoyed
this video on fast fashion and its detrimental effects on the planet. shein clothing literally has toxic chemicals in it, i’m unsure why people are hellbent on making bad decisions for themselves let alone the planet
this post from caitlyn that genuinely changed me a bit. you know i’m a big advocate for the quiet life. this just says it all beautifully.
this documentary following a school in essex taking part in an experiment where pupils go without their phones for 21 days. very interesting to see first-hand how social media is affecting kids in the uk.
this deep dive into the life of nobel prize winner for literature alice munro from the new yorker which had my jaw on the floor the entire time. what’s even more interesting is the next day i opened a christmas present of one of her books gifted to me by my partner’s aunt. if you’ve heard the news you’ll know why this was quite awkward.
this interview with a divorce lawyer on love. sounds a bit like an oxymoron but he’s such a warm-hearted, animated man who clearly knows what he’s talking about and has given me a lot to think about regarding marriage, what it really means and if it is really necessary.
another new yorker article on actor adam scott who i’ve always had a soft spot for and this piece really solidifies that. that reminds me i need to rewatch parks&rec. also if you haven’t watched severence yet, get on that.
this article from the new york times on the surgeon general calling for warnings on alcoholic beverages. great news for someone who doesn’t like alcohol and wishes people in the uk weren’t so obsessed with it and knew just how terrible it is for your health.
the full moon coffee shop by mai mochizuki was probably the best book i read last year after having a very medicore 2024 for books personally. it’s the perfect japanese comfort read. i’,m still thinking about it. just look at the cover, tell me you’re not going to enjoy that.
dead-end memories by banana yoshimoto was not as good as i was expecting (after being blown away by the premonition) but there are a a lot of sticky tabs in my copy so maybe i’m lying. the prose was beautiful as always with a nice hefty theme of nature running throughout all the stories. you can read more of my thoughts here.
this podcast episode from read japanese literature on haruki murakami, my favourite author. i didn’t know his famous style came from translating his writing from japanese to english! there is also another episode just on cats. i’ve found a new fave.
some things i’m looking forward to
reading all about love by bell hooks. i’ve had this book on my shelf for over a year and i have been waiting for the right time to read it. i think the time is here as i really want to read good literature this year.
in the same vein, i want to read more acclaimed literature from black women writers, toni morrison, audre lorde, zora neale hurston. i’m on a mission to expand this year. go deeper. not just know some names and some works here and there, i want to swim in everything these women had to say, know their thoughts inside out.
studying. i read this piece by Ayan Artan, which i also highly recommend, and it gave me the push i needed to put the effort into learning again. anti-intellectualism is on the rise, and i don’t want any part of it. no more “one day i’ll take a course on this/read this/study that” i love learning. time to actually do some.
summer tbh
thank you so much for reading.
here is my last post on whether we should adapt to social media if you missed it
i’ll see you next wednesday <3
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