welcome to quiet reflections.

This publication is made up of a series of thoughts that drift into my head as I gaze out of my living room window. Sometimes I sit at the dining table, where I have a clear view of a huge evergreen tree and a few more in the distance, sometimes I sit on my couch where I can only see the very tops of a few trees, a chimney and a huge display of the sky. Staring at this view every day always inspires me to write somehow.

I send out a letter every week. Sometimes they’re literary essays and flash memoirs and sometimes they’re specific topics I’m interested in exploring that week. I tend to relate my feelings to nature a lot as I’m deeply interested in human (and) nature.

I also have a podcast where I just chat to you like a friend about whatever is on my mind, a further post-publication chat on an essay I wrote or a read-aloud of an essay I felt was particularly dramatic.

The name quiet reflections comes from my lifelong hobby of daydreaming and thinking while I stare out of windows and the fact that I carry that “she’s a pleasure to have in class but a little quiet” comment from teachers at school like a badge of honour.

a 3x3 grid of various nature and sky picturesa 3x3 grid of various nature and sky picturesa 3x3 grid of various nature and sky pictures
a 3x3 grid of various nature and sky picturesa 3x3 grid of various nature and sky picturesa 3x3 grid of various nature and sky pictures
a 3x3 grid of various nature and sky picturesa 3x3 grid of various nature and sky picturesa 3x3 grid of various nature and sky pictures
where i always find inspiration

Who am I?

I'm a writer from London who loves Japanese literature and has a worrying addiction to hot chocolate. I have constant neck pain from straining to look for the moon most nights and if you look really closely, I have a little dent on my left pointer finger from the crocheting I do. I take my hobbies very seriously.

I studied Linguistics and Drama for my BA and the contemporary arts for my MA.

I created a self-discovery magazine called la jaden which you can purchase here, and a crafts store where I sell some things I’ve crocheted.


Fun facts:

favourite book: the secret history by donna tartt

favourite book genre: literary fiction

favourite drink: hot chocolate

favourite music genre: indie/synth pop + lo-fi

favourite snack: literally anything salty and crunchy

favourite film: kill your darlings (2013)

favourite TV show: how to get away with murder/the office (us)

favourite season: anything but winter tbh but spring if I had to pick

if you want to hear what goes through my head as I gaze out of my window, you can subscribe for free below and look forward to new posts every week.

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thoughts that drift into my head as I gaze out of my window


writer of dramatic journal entries, moon enthusiast, thinking about nature